What is Brand Identity: How to Build a Strong Brand Identity

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Have you ever wondered what makes a brand stand out from the rest? It is the brand identity. What is brand identity? How can one create, retain or improve brand identity? You may have serious concerns about it. This blog covers all the details you would want to know in this context. 

What is Brand Identity?

When you set up a brand, you do that to make it identified by people. A brand identity is thus what makes a brand identified by people. In simpler words, brand identity is the very personality of a brand made up of what it puts forth and what values it contains. 

What Is the Importance of Brand Identity?

To make people identify your brand and realize how it differs from competitors, creating a strong brand identity is essential. Having a brand identity also benefits your marketing campaigns. Find a few reasons that make brand identity so important for businesses. 

importance of brand identity

Helps create a loyal customer base

Look at well-established brands. One thing that is common for all is they all have a loyal customer base. And that is because they have a strong brand identity.

Differentiates you from competitors

Your audience will know what your brand is all about and how it differs from brands that offer similar products or services only if you have managed to create a brand identity for yourself.

Supports your scaling

By creating your brand identity, scaling your business becomes much easier. There is no need to worry too much about the risks of losses. Established brands are less susceptible to risks resulting from scaling.

Boosts the perceived value of your offerings

Perceived value refers to the value people attribute to your product or service for the money they pay for it. People feel justified in spending money on products from brands that have an identity.

Gives your offerings more exposure

People love to recommend products or services from brands they like to their friends and family. It gives those brands better exposure without them actually investing anything for that.

Brings consistency to your messaging

When you have created an identity for your brand, you can stick to your unique messaging without changing from time to time. Gradually people will start respecting your messaging due to its consistency and boldness.

What are the Key Elements of Brand Identity?

Creating a brand identity demands planning and a perfect blending of a series of brand identity elements. Depending on the brand and the industry it serves, these elements may vary. However, there are a few common elements which apply to brands in all industry segments. 

The visual elements, for instance, are the most important among the key elements of brand identity creation. Using the right blend of visual elements would contribute immensely to the visual language of a brand. So are other elements like verbal elements, structural elements, cultural elements etc. Let’s take a look at each type of them. 

Types of Brand Identity Elements

There are various components or elements contributing to brand identity creation. Discover the types of brand identity elements below. 

types of brand identity elements
Visual Elements

Visual elements of brand identity consist of those that contribute to the brand’s visual language. They comprise logo, imagery, colour palette and typography

Verbal Elements

From how your brand name is spelt and pronounced to what tone you use across your channels for communicating with your audience, multiple verbal elements constitute your brand identity.

Experiential Elements

Experimental elements are those aspects of branding which can influence or impact the opinion or customer’s interaction with your brand. These common experimental elements include:

Structural Elements

Structural elements are those physical factors that directly or indirectly affect the brand identity. The basic structural elements include:

How to Build a Strong Brand Identity?

With tight competition becoming a basic characteristic of brands for any product or service out there, creating a brand identity is crucial and at the same time a very challenging process. It is important to realize that a lukewarm approach to brand identity building doesn’t yield any results. So, what should you do? Here are 3C Brand Hub‘s proven strategies for Building a strong brand identity.

Study your industry

Every brand operates in a specific industry. Before you begin with any step related to brand identity design development, take some time to study your industry. It could save you time and unnecessary spending on areas where you don’t have to.

Establish brand values

Your brand values are those positive things people see in it. For instance, the social or environmental commitments it has. Having strong brand values encourages people to find meaning in their association with you.

Know your customer persona

Before your customers start to identify you, you need to identify who your customers are. It is important because personalizing your branding design as per your audience’s tastes and preferences is essential.

Conceive a brand story

Just like the story of how Microsoft or Apple got started, a unique and compelling brand story will help you trigger people’s interest in you. A unique story of success beating the odds work in favour of establishing your brand.

Decide on the visual identity

Your brand’s visual identity is its overall visual language – the logo, colour palette, imagery etc. Decide how you want to present your brand using various visual components.

Develop a brand voice

Make sure that you have a unique brand voice characterized by a pleasant tone and style that your target audience can feel emotionally connected to. Once you have a brand voice, use that consistently across all channels.

Deliver value

Be it your product or services or the content you present to your audience, make sure that you add value to them. By providing solutions that solve a problem that they are facing or clarifying questions they have, you make their lives better and thus win their trust.

Engage your audience

Having your brand ready is just one aspect of the brand identity building process. Keeping your target audience engaged from time to time helps foster their involvement in your branding, which ultimately contributes to their customer experience and identification of your name.

Track developments and adapt

Keep a close watch on the latest trends taking place in your industry from time to time and monitor how that influences your customer's interaction with your brand as well as that of your competitors. It will help you identify the changes that need to be made in improving the brand identity boosting efforts.

How to Maintain and Evolve the Brand Identity?

Once you have succeeded in creating your brand identity, it is equally important to maintain it and evolve it over time so that it is in alignment with the latest industry trends, evolving audience demographics and several other nuances. Here is how you can do that effectively. 


Brand identity is the most fundamental aspect of a brand. It is the very identity of your brand that determines why your brand should exist. We hope that this blog helped you get a precise picture of what brand identity is and how important it is for your business’s scaling and its very own existence in a highly competitive market condition. Need any professional assistance in 

building a brand identity for your business? Let our experts walk you through the entire process. Feel free to contact us for more details. 


If you have a strong brand identity among your target audience, it means they know what your brand is about and how it differs from other brands. You don’t have to convince them to buy your product or services. 

 While both brand identity and brand image are terms that are used interchangeably, they are not entirely the same. Brand identity is something that an entrepreneur deliberately tries to create for a brand through the incorporation of various components like visual elements, cultural elements, structural elements etc. On the other hand, brand image is the perception people have about your brand. 

Yes, we can. We are glad to share how we helped other businesses become successful through the professional brand identity building services we offered. It will enable you to make an informed decision regarding our services. 

If your current brand identity is not impactful, it means that you haven’t really built a strong brand identity. In that case, we can help you rebrand your business which will help you tap into the potential of finding new customers.

The time required to create a brand identity for a business depends on various factors—for instance, industry, audience demography, competition, service location, etc. To get a precise timeframe, contact us and let us know more about your requirements and the context. 

All businesses irrespective of their size or industry benefit from brand building. 

The cost required for building a brand identity varies depending on the business model and industry. Additionally, the existing level of branding a business has, for instance, the uniqueness of the visual language and other elements it has, can affect the overall expense. We recommend that you get in touch with our experts for a precise quote.